The categories of Left/Right are insufficient for comprehending the terminal crisis of ravenous financial globalization at a time when the most radical forces located at the extremes of the political spectrum find themselves in a similar effort to defend their nations under the threat of death.

Thus, the radicalism of both Right and Left share in the name of nationalism a triple aversion toward the Euro, rejecting a Merkel-type austerity (the castrating fiscalism which profits the parasitic bankocracy) and the outmoded measures of the IMF whose disfunctionalities are only growing.

Today’s Zaman of 5/8/12 concludes that the victory of François Hollande could roll back the politics of austerity to which Europe has succumbed for years. The voters found the pill forcibly administered by "Sarkozy the American" one just too bitter to continue to swallow.

In the Wayne Madsen Report of 5/7/12, Madsen emphasizes the European dimension of the citizen’s revolt, highlighting the simultaneity of several phenomena: for the French, austerity now resonates as anathema; in Serbia it is the Socialist Party of the late Slobodan Milosevic that decided, in total opposition to the IMF, who should govern; in Greece there is the resurgence of both the extreme Left and the neo-facists. It’s goodbye to the pro-austerity parties. In Italy, the anti-Euro Left is expected to win the elections while the Rightist parties seem to be disappearing from the political landscape. In Germany, it’s the Center-Left that will form the government following Merkel’s defeat in Schleswig-Holstein, to which can be added that of David Cameron’s Conservative Party (Merkel’s ally and fierce advocate of austerity for his neighbors) who found himself humiliated by the outcome of the municipal elections.

Finally, according to the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin, Sarkozy, the ephemeral conqueror of Benghazi, is in the throes of rampant decay: the GEAB (4/16/12) cites no less than 11 mega scandals related to financial fraud currently under judicial scrutiny, the most spectacular being the financing of his election campaign by Kadhafi himself, who is taking his last revenge from beyond.

In the outcome of the French elections, the GEAB perceives a revolt of the provinces against Parisian elites. In fact, the PS carried Paris but its success rests in part on the thrust from the French heartland: the common Sarkophobia of Marine Le Pen (the extreme Right), François Bayrou (Center-Right) and Jean-Luc Melenchon (extreme-Left). The GEAB denounces the intellectual desert of castrated and mercenary elites. But isn’t this efficiently-lubricated brainwashing just another effect of having been swallowed up by the global financial order ?

The GEAB predicts that Merkel, who depends on the support of the Social Democratic Party and the Greens, will be forced to accept the new growth pact of Hollande. It predicts by the end of the year the launching of Euro bonds and a public superlative loan for the Eurozone in the amount of 500 billion Euros in 10 years, at an interest rate of 5%, guaranteed by the European monetary system and with two objectives: to reduce the level of Eurozone debt below 30% of sovereign debt in order to lessen the influence of international financial markets controlled by Wall Street and the City, and to stimulate the growth within the Eurozone of structural investments in infrastructures (public transport, education, research, health, etc.), the exact opposite of neoliberal policy recommendations.

The GEAB justly asserts that Hollande’s victory will push back the Anglo-Saxon assault on the vulnerable countries of the Eurozone, the much-maligned PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain), even as the financial and economic situation of Great Britain continues to deteriorate (the recession is deepening at both levels) and as the mirage of recovery in the U.S. fades.

In the first two years under François Hollande, the Gaullist (or Mitterandist-Gaullist) tendency will hold sway, meaning strategic priority will be given to independence in foreign policy, and a new path will open toward associating with the BRICS countries. But will the Israeli-Anglo-American triad give free rein to the indocile?

The Anglo-American press, including The Economist, echoes Obama’s "laissez-faire" and, as well, Israel’s profound dismay now that it has lost its ally, Sarkozy (see the Debka File of 5/7/12 which has denounced Hollande in obscene terms.)

The GEAB treats derisively the upcoming G-20 summit at Los Cabos (which in my opinion will be tightly controlled by Israeli-Anglo-American financialism) but attributes enormous importance to the summit taking place the following year in Moscow where points of Europe-BRIC convergence on an international scale will be clearly visible (reform of the IMF and the U.N. National Security Council) and, most particularly, full-scale reform of the international monetary system (the replacement of the dollar as reserve currency) which will seriously expand the world’s governability, once it has entered a post-crisis phase.

The GEAB, taking a geopolitical perspective which embraces the local level up to NATO and its alternatives, views the election of Hollande, a social Gaullist, as more significant than the election in the U.S. where the political system is suffering from general paralysis.

From its viewpoint, we are witnessing the beginning of a series of strategic shifts that are going to affect Europe and accelerate geopolitical changes already underway across the world since 2008. Even if France is a less powerful country than the U.S., it occupies a strategic position in the world, one which will give it a preponderant role in what follows.

It is to be remembered that Hollande declared unequivocally his intention to actively explore the possibility of association with the BRICS, which implies a clean break with the "carnal" integration (as President Menem of Argentina called it before the financial crisis that ruined his country) so ardently practiced by Sarkozy in the Washington-Tel-Aviv axis.

Now, the Euro-centered circles add another I to the BRICS, for Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world and which is also an energy superpower. The geostrategic importance of Indonesia hasn’t escaped Obama’s attention, nor that of former Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, who is still the czar of Straussian neo-conservatives and is part of the Bushian system of nepotism.

GEAB suffers from a certain Franco-centrism and a certain angelic optimism with regard to the nefarious Balkanizing projects of the Israeli-Anglo-American triumverate.

But on the other hand, my European sources assure me that the Vatican looks favorably on a Catholic rapproachment with the BRICS, in order to bring to an end the hyper-materialistic paganism and pernicious financial speculation of the post-modern loan sharks on both sides of the North Atlantic.

Michele Stoddard