The latest issue of the journal Political Geography explores the alleged link between a warming climate and recent armed conflicts.

A study by Professors Jan Selbya, Omar S. Dahib, Christiane Fröhlich and Mike Hulme, shows that it is beyond any doubt whatsoever, that there is no link between climate change and the war in Syria.

From the beginning of the “Arab Spring”, a number of experts have declared that these events were provoked by different factors such as sudden migratory movements or, for Syria, a warming climate. Western politicians have encouraged the dissemination of these theories either to mask how Western Secret Services had planned these pseudo revolutions or to justify the urgency in abandoning sources of fossil energy. However, the publication of Thierry Meyssan’s book, Sous nos yeux (Right before our eyes) has introduced into the public domain a clear picture of how these events were conceived in Whitehall in 2004, based on the model of the Arab Revolt of 1915 (Lawrence of Arabia); how Tony Blair “sold” this plan to George W. Bush Jr, and how the plan was then implemented jointly by the MI6 and the CIA [1].

Between 2006 and 2009, it was the case that there were several particularly dry seasons in Syria, provoking an exodus of peasant families to the cities. This issue did not involve shifting 1.5 million peasants but only 40 – 60,000 families. And there is nothing that permits us to make a connection between the displacement of this population and the attempt to topple the Syrian Arab Republic by the Muslim Brotherhood. On the contrary, a roadblock is placed in our thinking process by the fact the neighbourhoods that welcomed these populations, provided no shelter for the jihadists.

The authors of the study Political Geography are astonished that the theory presenting a link between changes in the climate and the war in Syria could be so well accepted. This is because to their minds it lacks any foundation whatsoever.

Anoosha Boralessa

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[1Sous nos Yeux. Du 11-Septembre à Donald Trump, Thierry Meyssan, éditions Demi-Lune, 2017.