At the beginning of the “Arab Spring”, the United Arab Emirates has entrusted to Larry Sanchez (photo), a former leader of the CIA’s clandestine service, to form and reorganize its secret services. He is acting in his capacity as the CEO of CAGN Global. Other companies are involved in this programme including LUAA and DarkMatter.

Richard Clarke, the White House’s former anti-terrorist Tsar, who was the catalyst for the government’s continuity plan for 11 September 2001, is also the adviser to the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. He is present in his capacity as the CEO of Good Harbour Security Risk Management.

According to the US official version of the September 11 attacks (which the Emirates has never subscribed to) two Emirates nationals were among the group of the pirates of the air.

According to Foreign Policy (a US publication) the transfer of know-how on Intelligence is not a priori legal. It would need to be first subject to an FBI inquiry.

Anoosha Boralessa