One of President Emmanuel Macron’s collaborators, Alexandre Benalla [1], is on a mission to set up the French equivalent of the US Secret Service.

The US Secret Service, linked to the Department of Homeland Security, is tasked with protecting the US President and other officials. It also plays a key role in the fight against terrorism (and the fight against counterfeit money).

President Macron had already established in the Elysee a «Task Force» (sic) to fight terrorism. This is led by Prefeito Pierre Bousquet de Florian.

Despite his youth (26 years old), Mr Benalla, presented by the Algerian press as being linked to the Moroccan Secret Services, is destined to lead the future Secret Service of the presidency of the French Republic.

Anoosha Boralessa

[1Alexandre Benalla was filmed on 1 May 2018 beating up a man and a woman following the 1 May demonstrations. This conduct was condoned by his superiors, including President Macron, even though they knew that Benalla’s brutal conduct triggered a wave of harsh criticism against the services of the presidency of the Republic and the current French government.