An event and a Regional Trend

The Israeli occupation forces continued their attacks against the Palestinian people in Gaza committing more collective crimes and assassinations. The Israeli attacks covered also the West Bank. This led the UN Commission for Human Rights in Geneva to call the UN secretary general to interfere immediately to stop the bloodbath in the Palestinian lands.
 1. The Israeli discussion continues concerning the suitable timing for invading Gaza and the Egyptian tightened measures on the borders. The Israeli press quoted the Israeli prime minister as saying that he will invade Gaza after Bush’s visit and the end of the celebrations on the 60th anniversary of Israel’s foundation.
 2. The Palestinian resistance carries out operations to retaliate against the Israeli aggressions while the Israeli press talks about the qualitative development in the resistance’s performance.
 3. The press focused on the US former president Carter’s meeting with leaders of Hamas. He will meet today in Damascus head of Hamas’s political office Khalid Mishal and a number of the Palestinian factions’ leaders. Carter stressed the necessity of negotiations with Syria and Hamas but Bush’s administration and the Israeli government attacked his efforts saying they are useless. The Washington Post published an article for Mamud al-Zahhar, one of Hamas’s leaders, in which he explained the movement’s stand towards the issue of the negotiations and the conditions of a just compromise.
 4. The Israeli circles warn from the dangers of a new intifada that allows Hamas and the other factions to control the West Bank and block the US president’s plans.

An Event and a Lebanese Trend

The press focused in the visit of the US assistant secretary of state David Welch to Beirut which aims at attending the US celebration on the anniversary of exploding the US embassy in Beirut in 1983 where US troops took positions to support the Israeli occupation of most of the Lebanese lands and impose the May 16th agreement which was signed by Ameen Gemayel.
 1. David Welch’s talks with al-Siniora, the follow-up committee of March 14 and Walid Junblat dealt with the points that the US will work to include in the stand required from the meeting that France tries to organize on the margin of the meeting of Iraq’s neighboring states in Kuwait under the title of the Lebanese condition.
 2. Welch’s statements reveal that the US will escalate pressures against the Lebanese opposition to limit the Arab initiative to one item which is electing the president.
 3. The press talked about the meeting between Berri and Welch saying the house speaker stressed clinging to the initiative of dialogue.
 4. The follow-up committee of March 14 handed a memorandum to Welch which includes their known stands but what is essential in it is the call for escalating pressures on Syria and abstaining from entering a new deal with Syria.
 5. Analysts said Welch’s visit aims at obstructing compromise despite his statement which said that the house speaker is a Lebanese leader that it is possible to work with. Some observers linked the visit to the preparations for the US president’s visit to the area.

Arab and International Press

A series of press reports revealed that Russia prepares to return to the Arab area through secret and public arms deals.
Al-Bayan said in its editorial Israel’s arrogance is manifested in its daily attacks on Palestinians.
The Iranian weekly Beek said Tehran did not comment yet on the news of the Western press concerning its new missiles’ capabilities.
The Emirate paper al-Khalij said the Arab citizens do not accept Israel.
The Syrian daily Tichrin said Tzibi Livni tried to convince the Arabs that their enemy is their brother.

Satellite Stations’ News

The Syrian satellite station said Syria celebrated the Day of Independence anniversary.

Lebanese Press

Ad-Diyar said the US assistant secretary of state David Welch stressed in Beirut that the US adopts the loyalists’ stands.
As-Safir said analysts wondered about the secret of David Welch’s visit to Beirut pointing out that it takes place in the context of a diplomatic attack in the area to prepare for Bush’s visit.
An-Nahar said Welch did not propose any new ideas and his visit basically aims at attending the celebrations on the anniversary of exploding the US embassy in Beirut.
Al-Akhbar opened the economic file and wondered who is stealing the supported flour.

Television Stations’ News in Lebanon

Al-Manar said David Welch’s visit warns of a coming crisis wondering about the new instructions that he brought to his allies.
The NTV said the March 14 forces received Welch with a memorandum that asks the US to support the election of the president.
The NBN said Davis Welch’s visit is suspicious and aims at obstructing solutions.
The OTV said Welch announced in Beirut that dialogue is prohibited and al-Siniora will stay in power.
The LBC said that the US assistant secretary of state David Welch expressed reserve concerning the house speaker’s call for dialogue.
The Future said it became certain that the house speaker’s call for a new round of dialogue did not work.

Television Stations’ Interviews in Lebanon

What is prohibited
Analyst Hassan Hamade said that the French president Sarkozy distanced the officials who sympathize with the Arabs from his administration.
Editor-in-chief of al-Ahram said when Sarkozy failed in Lebanon he started to attack Syria.
D. George Jabbor said Sarkozy expressed his resentment at the Syrian policy after he tried to offer incentives to Syria.

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