• Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir took part in a two-day meeting on Israel’s southern border entitled "Preparing for our resettlement in Gaza" on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. He said: "What we have learned this year is that everything depends on us. We are the owners of this land. Yes, we have experienced a terrible catastrophe. But we must understand that a year later, so many Israelis have changed their mentality. They have changed their mindset. They understand that acting as the rightful owners of this land brings results.

Referring to the Palestinian prisoners, he went on: "We took their jelly sandwiches. We took their chocolate. We took their televisions. We took their ping-pong tables and practice time. You should see them crying and weeping in their cells. This is our proof: when we decide we can, we do succeed."

"We will encourage the voluntary transfer of all citizens of Gaza. We will offer them the opportunity to move to other countries because this land belongs to us," he concluded.

• Spokesperson for the "Mothers’ Parade" Sima Hasson said "I’m going to say something that not everyone here is ready to say, but I am, and I know many of you are, ready to say it: "Conquer, expel and resettle". I’m not just talking about an area of Gaza. I’m not just talking about northern Gaza. I mean every area of land. This is the only way to prevent our boys from constantly going to war. To all those in Europe who have an opinion about what is going on here, I say: do not meddle. Your entire continent is invaded by radical Islam!"

• Pasionaria of the settler movement Daniella Weiss said: "We came here with a clear objective: to occupy the entire Gaza Strip... Every inch from north to south. We are thousands of people and we are ready to go to Gaza. October 7 changed history. As a result of the brutal massacre, the Arabs of Gaza have lost their rights to be here forever, they will not stay here.

• Minister of the Negev, Galilee and National Resilience Yitzhak Wasserlauf said: "For 2,000 years, we dreamed of returning to our Jewish homeland. I know that those who disagree with us call it messianism. I call it Zionism. We are true Zionists. We love our land, we love our people, and we value life. And we have a responsibility to create a safe, Jewish nation on the land God has given us.

• Minister of Social Equality and the Advancement of Women May Golan said: "We will hit them where it hurts: their land. Whoever uses his plot of land to plan another holocaust will receive from us, with God’s help, another Nakba [catastrophe]."

☞ In February 2024, the settler movement had already organized a "Conference for Israel’s victory - settlements bring security: return to the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria" in Jerusalem in which they threatened the United States and the United Kingdom with resurrecting the Stern terrorist group [1].

This is the editorial from our paywalled "Voltaire, international newsletter", n°105. For more information, do not hesitate to subscribe: 500€ per year.

Gregor Fröhlich

[1In Jerusalem, the "Conference for the Victory of Israel" threatens London and Washington”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 13 February 2024.