Several Islamist batallions are engaged on the Ukrainian side against the popular Republics of Donetsk and Lougansk.
According to the New York Times, they are the Cheikh Manour and Djokhar Doudaïev batallions , mainly composed of Chechens from Georgia and Ouzbekistan, and the Crimée battalion, composé of Tatars [1], the CIA has been coordinating the Nazis and the Islamists since the end of the Second World War. Concerning Ukraine, the CIA organised an « anti-Imperial Congress » (meaning anti-Russian), on the 8th May 2007, in Ternopol (western Ukraine), in which the Ukrainian Nazis and the Islamists from the Caucasus were already participants. The coordination which was created on that day lifted Dmytro Yarosh (head of Pravy Sektor) to the Presidency, and received the blessing of Dokou Oumarov (the fifth President of the Islamic Emirate of Ichkeria, then Emir of the Caucasus).
In December 2013, a number of Islamist Tatars suddenly returned from the Middle East, where they had been fighting the Syrian Arab Republic, to lend support to the coloured revolution on Maïdan Square [2].
Furthermore, the officers of the Islamic Emirate in Iraq and the region of Cham have mostly been replaced by Chechens, to the point where Russian has become the official military language of Daesh, replacing Arabic.
Réseau Voltaire
[1] “Islamic Units Help Ukraine Battle Rebels. Stocked With Chechens Eager to Defy Russia].
These groups are linked to the Nazis of Pravy Sektor, and are not salaried by the Ukrainian government. The newspaper found no trace of US implication.
However, as Thierry Meyssan revealed more than a year ago, [[“The CIA Coordinates Nazis and Jihadists”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Roger Lagassé, Al-Watan (Syria), Voltaire Network, 19 May 2014.
[2] “Jihadists in charge of crowd control in Kiev protests”, Translation Alizée Ville, Voltaire Network, 5 December 2013.
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