Last September, the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) celebrated the 28th anniversary of its independence ... from Soviet Azerbaijan. In the face of the aggression perpetrated against her, on 4 October 2020 she addressed an appeal to the Minsk Group member states calling for the recognition of her independence and an end to the joint attacks by Turkey, Azerbaijan and the jihadists [1].

By bringing the international community back to historic reality, that is, the hasty dissolution of the USSR, Artsakh deprives its aggressors of all legitimacy.

On 2 September 1991, a joint session of the Nagorno Karabakh Regional Assembly and the Shahumyan Regional Assembly of Deputies took place in Stepanakert. It was at this venue that the Republic of Artsakh was proclaimed. In the referendum held on 10 December that same year, 99% voted in favour of independence, which was however not endorsed by the international community.

[1Appeal of the Republic of Artsakh”, Voltaire Network, 4 October 2020.