The newsletter is published in several languages. Several foreign ministries from different countries have already subscribed. However, it presents a view of the world so different from that of the subsidized press that, in France, the Press Joint Committee refuses to recognize it as a publication in its own right. According to the Commission, “we don’t do journalism” (sic).
Admittedly, we are real journalists, not parrots of the powers that be.

Our director of publication and editor-in-chief directed French magazines several years ago, and has won journalism awards abroad. He has regularly contributed to some fifteen major dailies and magazines around the world.

Voltaire, International Newsletter is available by subscription for €500 a year], is published 42 times a year (not in July-August, nor during the Christmas holydays). It’s an indispensable tool for any professional in international relations or defense.

What’s more, 10 times a year, subscribers are invited to a Zoom virtual meeting with publication’s director Thierry Meyssan.

Contents of issue N°98:


• 1837 Keir Starmer, agent of the Trilateral Commission


• 1838 The Bibi Files
• 1839 US Democrats condemn Hamas
• 1840 US Supreme Court Should Clarify Whether Social Networks Are Responsible for Automatic Advice from Their Algorithms
• 1841 The Biden administration condemns Russian media interference
• 1842 The White House takes action to ban spyware in the EU
• 1843 Mexico wants to elect its judges
• 1844 Dominican Republic seizes Venezuelan presidential Plane
• 1845 The Venezuelan prosecutor’s office issues an arrest warrant for Edmundo González
• 1846 Brazil bans social media platform X


• 1847 The United Kingdom suspends some of its arms deliveries to Israel
• 1848 Pavel Durov and Xavier Niel
• 1849 Emmanuel Macron cancels France 2024 Ambassadors’ Conference
• 1850 French General Thierry Burkhard warns of the end of Western supremacy
• 1851 Success of the AfD and the BSW in former East Germany
• 1852 Poland negotiates the rewriting of its history with Ukraine
• 1853 The European Commission is concerned about a few visas granted by Hungary to Belarusians and Russians
• 1854 X won’t improve its AI model with European data
• 1855 New Left Group in the European Parliament
• 1856 The Draghi Report is ready
• 1857 The EU and the training of Ukrainian soldiers
• 1858 Towards an increase in the EU’s satellite budget
• 1859 Serbia buys French military aircraft
• 1860 First Ukrainian F-16 lost
• 1861 Cabinet reshuffle in Ukraine
• 1862 Record profit for Gazprom
• 1863 Russia opens up to the Asia-Pacific region
• 1864 Russia builds a ghost fleet of LNG carriers


• 1865 The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation opens up broad prospects
• 1866 Crisis in Libya
• 1867 Russia withdraws officers from Burkina Faso
• 1868 Nicolas Sarkozy in Cameroon
• 1869 Djibouti Proposal to Ethiopia
• 1870 Purge of the Rwandan army


• 1871 Six hostages executed by Hamas as IDF approaches
• 1872 General strike in Israel
• 1873 Benjamin Netanyahu’s change of policy
• 1874 The Kahanist for the reconstruction of the temple on the ruins of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
• 1875 General Elad Goren reconstitutes an occupation authority for the Gaza Strip
• 1876 IDF plans to occupy the West Bank
• 1877 General Yitzhak Brik announces the collapse of Israel within a year
• 1878 IDF prepares for suspension of US arms deliveries
• 1879 Hezbollah destroyed IDF Unit 8200
• 1880 Riad Salamé in pre-trial detention
• 1881 Azerbaijan general election
• 1882 Mongolia receives Vladimir Putin despite ICC arrest warrant
• 1883 North Korea supplies ammunition to the Russian army
• 1884 China’s commitment against Western domination
• 1885 Russia and China settled their territorial disputes


• 1886 The International Criminal Court considers possible indictment of Palestinian and Israeli leaders