Birth of the multipolar world (1)
The Middle East frees itself from the West
Part II
The USA’s decades long war against China
No Wonder China is Nervous as Obama Pivots
Changes in the Persian Gulf
Iran allies with China to face the United States
The 18,000 al-Qaeda Uyghurs in Syria
The false counter-offensive and the refusal of good offices
Who Makes Up the "Islamic Emirate"?
Part I
The USA’s decades long warfare against China
The British and the “colorful revolution” in Hong Kong
The CIA is using Turkey to pressure China
Washington’s New Anti-China Strategy
Mali and AFRICOM’s Africa Agenda: Target China
The Silk Road and Israël
The CIA and Uyghur Jihadists
China takes a stand on 9/11
Struggle over the Middle East: Gas Ranks First
Geo-Strategic Chessboard Pushing India Towards War With China
Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation
Hong Kong, the Treaty of Nanjing Returns
“The Art of War”
Behind the US attack on Chinese Smartphones