On April 2003, just after having finished combats in Iraq,
George W. Bush promised the Iraqis that their country would develop preserving its unity, independence and sovereignty, but after two years and 4 months, Iraqis have understood that Bush’s promises were but castles in the air. On the other hand, the new constitution submitted to Iraq’s Parliament makes legal the collapse of a country that for years was a stronghold for strategic balance and stability in one of the hottest and most interesting regions in the world, because of its oil reserves. The Bush administration justified its occupation wielding a number of reasons, among which the most relevant one was changing Saddam’s regime. However, it has been proved that Bush not only planned to change the regime in that country but also Iraq’s geography and demography. All this within the frame of a well-devised strategy: dividing the nation in the interests of globalization, for economic and security supremacy in the world.
The United States has always used its division strategy – directly or indirectly – whenever it has intervened in any place around. Iraq cannot be an exception. U.S. interventions caused the USSR to collapse and further divide. The same thing happened to Yugoslavia, Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan and currently to Iraq. The United States has foreseen a retreat program that should begin next year, basically before the Congress election in November. This retreat will be preceded by the division of the country into three parts: a Kurdish state north, Chi’ite south and Sunite central. In practice, this will put an end to resistance, or at least will weaken it so that the rest of the occupation forces might easily withdraw.
The division is socio-cultural too. For instance, the marriage between Chi’ites and Sunnites, Arabs and Kurds or various other communities is no longer possible; it was once a symbol of Iraq’s unity prior to the occupation. The division virus will certainly affect the neighboring countries. What is currently happening in Saudi Arabia clearly depicts the existing situation in the region. The federal system in charge of restoring the new constitution is the first of a kind in the Arab-Muslim World. Bush has rated the constitution project as a “victory” of democracy, emphasizing that Iraqis and the whole world must feel proud of such a constitution. Bush’s statement is not surprising, essentially because he has not stopped begging the Iraqi parties to ratify their constitution bill before the deadline. Otherwise, his plan of escape from Iraq will not be performed at the desired time.

Al Quds Al Arabi (United Kingdom)

تشريع تقسيم العراق”, by Abdel Bari Atouan, Al Quds Al arabi, August 8, 2005.