The behavior of George W. Bush from September 11, 2001 could be described as suicidal. The war in Iraq is a typical example. This war, set up by decision makers with arguments which are still unclear and based on false statements, is much more costly in terms of money and blood than it was expected. The war has affected the U.S. worldwide and given an imperialist image in the Arab world and Muslim world at large.
Thoughts should be given to U.S. objectives in Iraq. Contrary to what the Bush administration says, terrorist risk is not related to hate for freedom or cultural hostility. It is the U.S. allies who are especially targets of terrorism. It is the U.S. policy that encourages terrorism and allows recruiting such groups. The U.S. policy towards Iraq and North Korea has made Iran develop a nuclear program, considering that it would strengthen its security. Likewise, the parallel support given to India’s nuclear program against China has affected the U.S. position in the area of proliferation. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, for their part, have degraded the U.S. moral status. Finally, the cost of the war in Iraq has created an enormous deficit.
This situation benefits Russia and China. Iraq has to be put aside while Iran and Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be the focus.

Los Angeles Times (United States)

American debacle”, by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Los Angeles Times, October 10, 2005.