The Prosecutor General of Russia has opened an investigation into public calls for terrorism inside Russia posted ​​by Dmytro Yarosh on his website.

Nazi leader Dmytro Yarosh was appointed Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (body that oversees the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces) in the Ukrainian government that emerged from the coup.

Dmytro Yarosh boasted of having fought against the Russians to defend the Islamic Emirate of Ichkeria (Chechnya). On his website, he urged Dokka Umarov, Emir of the North Caucasus and member of al-Qaeda to "commit extremist actions and terror on Russian territory" in support of the "Ukrainian revolution."

During the riots on Maidan square, Dmytro Yarosh led the Right Sector (Pravy Sektor), an organization of 3,000 battle-hardened militants armed by NATO through Poland. He staged a fake kidnapping by police forces and declared to have fled after being severely tortured. Refusing to show the traces of his ordeal to journalists, he immediately left for Germany - at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s invitation - for treatment.