Back in 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu imposed himself on Congress against the advice of then-President Barack Obama. He had placed his embassy’s secretaries in the spans of the hall to note the parliamentarians who didn’t applaud him and who therefore couldn’t count on his self-interested help for their re-election.

Following Joe Biden’s debacle in his disastrous debate with Donald Trump, and ahead of Iran’s run-off election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial presence at the US Congress on July 24 has triggered a wave of intense commentary, which, especially from compatriot groups inside and outside Israel, underscores the Prime Minister’s predisposition in favor of Trump, while pro-Biden/Democrat groups castigate his unwelcome presence. Is the US election in the hands of Netanyahu and AIPAC, the powerful Israeli-US lobby?

The American Zionist Public Affairs Committee (AZCPA) has infiltrated AIPAC, the lobby group that exerts strong influence on the US executive and legislative branches. It is considered the most powerful lobby group among the plethora of pro-Israeli organizations in the United States. AIPAC boasts that it represents "more than 3 million (sic) pro-Israel Americans in every congressional district to build bipartisan support for the U.S. relationship with Israel". The committee calls itself the "largest pro-Israel lobby", the one with the most resources, the one that offers the most resources (sic) directly to candidates: 98% of the candidates it supports won the general election in 2022!

Its enormous revenues, not counting tax-deductible donations from Wall Street Khazar financiers, amounted to $473.5 million in 2022. Israeli portal Forward reported that as of October 7, the emblematic date of the Hamas attack on Israel, AIPAC has raised $90 million, "much of which is earmarked to date for the 2024 elections [1]
". The anti-Netanyahu newspaper Haaretz explains the power of AIPAC in the United States, whose "fundraising group will have a decisive role in the 2024 elections [2]". One should not underestimate the decisive omnipotence of AIPAC, which, in addition to providing lubricant for a pleiad of American legislators, has just inflicted a painful defeat in its New York fiefdom on Representative Jamaal Bowman, a member of the progressive, pro-Palestinian Squad group led by the young Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [3], thanks to massive Zionist donations from those now seeking other electoral heads to behead [4].

The Jacobin portal claims that AIPAC’s defeat of Bowman paradoxically masks "its weakness" [5]. Even the Financial Times comments on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s unfolding war plans in his autistic interview on Channel 14, close to cabinet zealots Ben Gvir and Smotrich, for a "summer of conflict [6]". France’s Réseau Voltaire has already explained [7] that dual-nationality U.S.-Israelis condemn Netanyahu’s upcoming visit to Washington. California’s UnXeptable Group has launched a campaign against Netanyahu’s presence in Congress on July 24; in my opinion, this will be decisive for the planned invasion of Lebanon.

According to Voltaire Network. [8] a host of Israeli personalities also condemned the announced visit in the New York Times: David Harel, President of the Israeli Academy of Sciences; Tamir Pardo, former head of the Israeli Mossad; Ehud Barak, former Prime Minister of Israel; Aaron Ciechanoveret, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry; and novelist and essayist David Grossman, etc. Before the Biden debacle, the White House made no secret of its fears about Netanyahu’s presence in Congress: "Nobody knows what he’s going to say [9]". John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, spoke of the inconceivable power of the Israel lobby in the United States, which has become, in my opinion, a state within a state.

Roger Lagassé

[1«A rare look into the $90 million AIPAC has raised since Oct. 7», Amos Barshad, Forward, February 6, 2024.

[3«Bajo la lupa. Bernie Sanders con sus millennials humillan a Hillary en Nueva York», Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, La Jornada, 1º de julio de 2018.

[4«Pro-Israel Groups Get Big 2024 Win—and They Aren’t Done Yet», Nataly Andrews, The Wall Street Journal, June 24, 2024.

[5«AIPAC’s Defeat of Jamaal Bowman Disguises Its Weakness», Branko Marcetic, Jacobin, June 26, 2024.

[6«Benjamin Netanyahu lays out plans for a summer of conflict», Neri Zilber, Financial Times, June 24, 2024.

[7«1582 Israeli-US dual nationals against Benjamin Netanyahu», Voltaire, International Newsletter, N°93, 28 June 2024.

[8«1583 In the New York Times, Israeli figures speak out against Benjamin Netanyahu, Voltaire, International Newsletter, N°93, 28 June 2024.

[9«‘No one knows what he’s going to say’: White House fears mount about Bibi’s DC visit», Jonathan Lemire & Alexander Ward, Politico, June 22, 2024.