• Moscow is confident that the Straussians will attempt the next round against Russia in Serbia, not Transnistria (as originally planned by the Rand Corporation [1]). It would be about provoking World War III by replaying the incident of Temes Kubin which followed the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by a month. The false news of a Serbian attack on Austro-Hungarian troops caused Emperor Franz Joseph I to lose his temper. He declared war without having verified the Serbian responsibility for the death of his nephew and heir. Similarly, an incident for which the Serbs are held responsible could prompt the European Union to support a war against Serbia after a war against Ukraine.

• There have been numerous clashes between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina over the Serb Republic of Bosnia in 2023. A "color revolution" attempt was organized in Serbia in January 2024 (cf.0039).

• The UN Security Council (cf. 1172), contradicting Russia, has not observed any aggravation of the current conflict between the Serb Republic of Bosnia and the other components of Bosnia and Herzegovina which are negotiating their accession to the European Union (cf. 0686 and 0832). Finally, on 23 May 2024, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, presented by Germany and Rwanda, establishing an "International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the Genocide Committed in Srebrenica in 1995" (cf. 1377). According to Russia, this is not intended to honor the victims, but to endorse the version according to which it is attributable to the Serbs.

• President of the Serb Republic of Bosnia Milorad Dodik was invited to the Kremlin on 6 June by Russian President Vladimir Putin [2].

The latter assured him that Moscow would continue to support his country in accordance with the Dayton agreements.

• Back in the Balkans, President Milorad Dodik took part in the first meeting of the Pan-Serb Assembly on 8 June with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vučić, under the slogan "One people, one gathering". This assembly adopted a Declaration on the Protection of the National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People [3].

• In an interview with the Tass agency [4] the same day, President Milorad Dodik reiterated his desire to put an end to the Dayton Accords, while on the contrary, President Vladimir Putin based his action on these same agreements.
At the Dayton Conference (1995), the Bosnian delegation led by President Alija Izetbegović (a former supporter of the Third Reich) included the American Richard Perle (a Straussian who later played a central role in the Western war against Iraq and the Israeli war against Lebanon).

• The West officially considers that pan-Serbian ideology was the root cause of the Yugoslav wars; which the Serbs deny. It was to lend credence to this interpretation that Germany’s Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping circulated the famous "Horseshoe" plan aimed at expelling non-Serbs from Kosovo. It justified the Kosovo war, but turned out to be a forgery, fabricated by NATO’s secret services.

This is the editorial from our paywalled "Voltaire, international newsletter", n°91. For more information, do not hesitate to subscribe: 150€ per year or 15€ per month.

Gregor Fröhlich