I agree no pope has had such good relations with Austria through his personal contacts, his knowledge of our Church and his numerous stays and personal friendship with Austrian bishops and our cardinal. There is a Ratzinger-Schonborn Axis [1]. Schonborn was his pupil and collaborated directly with Ratzinger as deputy editor of the world catechism. The new pope was very helpful during the last years when our Church faced numerous serious problems.
We fear the possible departure of the archbishop to Rome (to work) in the Doctrine of the Faith and we wouldn’t want to lose him. He could be qualified for this post due to his theological experience and numerous preaches. However, it would be surprising for a German-speaking to be appointed to such a post for the second consecutive time. Anyways, Ratzinger is not retiring but becoming a Pope. I want Cardinal Schonborn to stay in Vienna. This will be decided in the next days. Ratzinger might take him to Rome for he will need support.

Die Presse (Austria)

«Er wäre für Rom qualifiziert», by Anton Faber, Die Presse, April 21, 2005.

[1This is the archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schonborn.