The audiences of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Commission in relation to John Bolton’s nomination as U.S. ambassador to the UN allow to unmask the campaign driven to bring him into disrepute. These audiences also show the need to amend the confirmation process of the Senate’s nominations - an objective so much politicized nowadays that has departed away from its constitutional definition.
John Bolton is now charged with having blocked the career of an intelligence agent, whom we will call «Mr. Smith», as Bolton disapproved of the conclusions of the latter. Most of the accusations are really associated with actions I have taken and not Bolton’s actions, which have been indirectly presented. It is true that many times I complained to Smith’s higher-ups about his work. I would have liked to take the oath and say it but they refused to hear me. Frequently, the Senate’s audiences become the right tool to perpetrate political murders as is the case when destroying a candidate. I was myself a victim of this in 2001. I was also forced to tolerate the rumors set on by moral cowards.
Bolton is charged with having wanted to get confident information and complain about an analyst who politicized his reports. Bolton is a competent person who deserves confirmation of the post he has been proposed for. This situation is an example of the monstrous operation used to confirm posts in the Senate and reminds us of our duty, during war time, to replace all the intelligence service members who affect others with their bad work.

Wall Street Journal (United States)

John Bolton vs. the Moral Cowards”, by Otto Reich, Wall Street Journal, April 14, 2005.