The Bush administration says it wants the European referendums to be approved. The rejection of this treaty would fill the future of the relationships between Europe and the U.S. with uncertainty, and this something that Washington does not want. But the U.S. wish is a challenge to Europe’s credulity. Consequently, nothing is said in Washington and people there act as though it were a minor issue. However, in case the referendums fail, nobody will gloat in the U.S. The Bush government knows that a rejection of the text could affect Ukraine’s and Turkey’s adhesion, and would delay the entrance of Romania and Bulgaria - two U.S. friends - to the EU. Nevertheless, the Bush administration’s leaders say that such a rejection would not make a great difference, it wouldn’t be something to write home about. They have also decided not to answer the declarations taking place in France in favor of a no or a yes on the part of the Marxists, the crypto-fascists and Jacques Chirac, for whom voting as they are asked to, protects Europe from the American control. Gerhard Schröder is acting likewise.
The Bush government wants a Europe which it can work with, above all, on the Iran’s issue and does not have the least interest in the fragmentation of the EU after the rejection of the text. Washington’s support to this text is recorded in the common sense book. But, as a U.S. leader told us “if, with this, yes scores high, we told the French that we were willing to condemn certain things of the text in the minutes”.

Source: International Herald Tribune (France)
Reference: “If EU constitution fails, U.S. won’t be gloating”, by John Vinocur, International Herald Tribune, May 24, 2005.