A few hours before Pakistan told the United States it wouldn’t vote for its resolution in favor of the war in Iraq, the Pakistani Special Forces arrested Khaled Cheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda’s number three. Four months later, Naeem Noor Khan, another brain of the organization was arrested before the visit of Pervez Musharraf to Camp David. Pakistan would receive there a 3 000 million dollars assistance. Abu Zubeida, the person in charge of Al Qaeda’s operations abroad, would be arrested at the exact moment in which the parliamentarian debate regarding the total assistance was taking place. On September 11, anniversary date, Ramzi ben al-Shaiba, the man of Hamburg’s cell, was arrested. Abu Faraj Farj al-Libbi was arrested now that Washington wants to condition the sale of the F-16s to the right of interrogating Abdul Qader Khan, the father of the Islamic bomb and godfather of the whole traffic network which includes, remember, Iran, North Korea, and maybe, al-Qaeda’s labs in Kandahar.
One could talk about coincidences but nobody will convince me this is not similar to a measure of strength between two adversaries. It all happens as if the Pakistani power knew where to find them and turn them in slowly, one by one, according to its own needs. The optimists will be glad to know there is a country in this planet where information regarding the hideouts of Bin Laden’s deputies and, perhaps, his own, is known. The pessimists will be worried for this double-dealing strategy of Pakistan. In my case, I have my own conclusions. When I did my research about Daniel Pearl I learned about the shady ties between Pakistan and the international jihad. Therefore, I don’t trust much in the sincerity of Islamabad’s leaders when they present themselves as the best pupils of the antiterrorist lesson.
I hope Condoleezza Rice has no more doubts than me and know what she is doing and why she is doing it when she congratulates Pakistan.

Los Angeles Times (United States)
Le Point (France)

« Où l’on voit revenir - De plus belle - La question pakistanaise... », by Bernard Henry Lévy, Le Point, May 12, 2005.
« Pakistan’s Chips in a Shady Game », Los Angeles Times, May 13, 2005.