I believe that in an atmosphere of tranquility and with the help of good advisers, I will seek to fill the position of prime minister. However, there exist too many symbols of the past, which constitute a threat to the country. All of those holding positions of responsibility in the security and intelligence services must leave. One of them is Lahud, who is prepared to stay and direct the country as before, when he allowed intelligence services to interfere with the matters of all ministries and cabinets. If I become prime minister it will be advisable to get rid of some people. On the other hand, no one can do anything against someone who is above me in the hierarchy line, and I am concerned about this. Those who murdered Rafic Hariri can do the same to Saad Hariri. Nothing could prevent it, but I will continue forging ahead.
After the elections, we will begin negotiations and find a peaceful solution, just as we did in the past. The only difference between Hezbollah and the remaining militias is that they constitute an opposition force to Israeli occupation. A part of Lebanon remains occupied. The problem of the Shebaa farms is something secondary, but let us suppose that we were able to dismantle Hezbollah and that the farms remain occupied by the Israelis: in that case, the Lebanese army will have to face the occupation. This would mean the beginning of a war between Israel and Lebanon. The Israelis should abandon the Shebaa farms, since this territory belongs to Lebanon.
The relationships between our country and Syria are those of two bordering countries: respectful and of mutual sovereignty. We have always maintained good relations with the United States. The peace process proposed in 2002 by Prince Abdallah’s heirs was much more serious. We wanted peace established with Israel. We hope the peace process will continue to move ahead with the participation of our nation, the Syrians and the remaining Arab countries.

Inopressa (Russian Federation)

Я готов стать премьером, но следует убрать друзей Сирии ,” by Saad Hariri, Inopressa, May 30, 2005. Adapted from an interview originally published by the Italian newspaper The Republic.