Mahmud Ahmadineyad - winner of the Iran presidential elections version - has been deceitfully presented as an ultraconservative. Actually, he is a fundamentalist, xenophobe and populist who thinks that Iran has become too tolerant regarding sex, and too moderate in foreign policy. He drove a campaign promising a salary increase and a price reduction, which was backed by the most extremist fundamentalists obsessed with Puritanism and xenophobia.
Ahmadineyad was a founder of the student group that took over the U.S. Embassy in 1979. Though he is not in control of the foreign policy, he could create a xenophobic atmosphere in the country, which would lead to tensions among Arabs, Kurds and Persians in Iran. He garnered 38% of the votes of those registered and solely won because his opponent Rafsandyani was morally unaccepted for corruption reasons. Today, Ali Jamenei controls the whole machinery of power. However, extremists haven’t been able to control the youth or the minorities.
Ahmadineyad is running against the evolution of his country and he won’t be able to stop the big clashes ahead.

Los Angeles Times (United States)

Tehran’s ’Populist’ Leader Clashes With the People”, by Edward N. Luttwak, Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2005.