As shown by the British House of Commons, the immediate response to a tragedy like the attacks in London, should be, first of all, the empathy with the victims and their bereaved. They pass a painful test, especially because it is difficult to explain what has happened. Who could ascertain that such bloody carnage was done because of a cause? At the time of writing, no group has explained why they launched the assaults. There is no other reason than an excessive fundamentalism. In these conditions, fighting terrorism is also fighting the absurd idea that people from different religions or ethnic backgrounds cannot coexist.
In the absence of anyone to officially accuse, we have been stuffed with an avalanche of articles about the threat of the militant Islam. Bin Laden, however, is no more a representative of Islam as Mladic was not an example of Christianity when he massacred 8 000 Muslims in Srebrenica. Bin Laden was a CIA agent who turned against the West. As long as the struggle against terrorism is conceived as a war that could be won by military means, it is doomed to fail. Terrorists have to be isolated from the rest of the people and foster cooperation with the Muslim world.
The G-8 is not the best organization to deal with this cooperation because it does not include any Muslim state. Nevertheless, it can implement programs to tackle poverty which can indeed contribute to the struggle against fundamentalism.

The Guardian (United Kingdom)

The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means”, by Robin Cook, The Guardian, July 8, 2005.