France has hosted the fourth summit of the Open Government Partnership, [which took place] from 7 to 9 December 2016. 70 states participated in it.

This organization is the product of a major reform of the Obama Open Government Initiative, launched in 2009 on the first day of his first term in office.

Applying the principles of the philosopher Karl Popper promoted by the George Soros foundations, this initiative pursues the following aims:
 keeping a watchful eye over the transparency of democratic governments;
 making citizens participate in decision-making through NGOs – and not through their Parliaments.

At the time this inter-governmental organization was created, two other objectives were added:
 fighting corruption – except when undertaken by registered lobbyists; [and]
 making new technologies available to everyone.

The Open Government Partnership was launched by the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton in 2011. Pursuing the application of its own principles, this inter-governmental association brings together several NGOs both to its debates and management. France and the World Resources Institute currently hold the presidency. The latter is a US association established by the Democrats. Its aim is to promote a market in ecology, by-passing the UN. It is through this NGO, that the former vice-president, Al Gore, popularised the theory that humans cause problems for the environment. [1].

Open Government Partnership receives the bulk of its funding from funds set up by businesses: George Soros’s Open Society, the Omidyar Network heavily implicated in the coup d’etat in Ukraine, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, (the traditional partner of the CIA) and by its member states.

Five years on from its establishment, anyone can see that, contrary to the commitments made by Barack Obama and the presidential decrees, the United States has never been as opaque, corrupt and unambiguously closed. In contrast, the other members states have been forced to become weaker, supposedly in the interests of all, but actually in the sole interests of the « ONG » and the foundations of accredited enterprises.

Anoosha Boralessa

[1« 1982-1996 : L’écologie de marché », par Thierry Meyssan, Оdnako, Réseau Voltaire, 22 avril 2010.