Karen Hughes works in Washington in the “War of Ideas” against the “evil ideology” best described as Islamofascism. Hughes’ starting point is that not all Muslims are adherents to Islamism and that to defeat it it is necessary to join forces with Muslims who reject the objectives of the Islamists. That is a good approach.
However, alter the attacks in London, the government of Tony Blair has faced the same difficulty faced by the Bush Administration after September 11: how to distinguish Muslims from Islamists. Thus, the Bush Administration has had many contacts with the Abdurhaman Alamoudi’s American Muslim Council. This organization has even been in charge of training chaplains for the U.U. military. However, today, is serving a 23-year sentence after having pleaded guilty to charges of trying to kill the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and the United States as a financier of Al-Qaeda.
Currently, Karen Hughes is set to address the Islamic Society of North America. It would be a mistake. That organization favors Wahhabism and Islamofascism.

Washington Times (United States)
Propriété du révérend Sun Myung Moon (Église de l’Unification).

Not the place to go”, by Frank J. Gaffney Jr., Washington Times, August 30, 2005.